股票杠杆配 SCI顶刊中“introduction”经典模板,建议收藏!

股票杠杆配 SCI顶刊中“introduction”经典模板,建议收藏!


Introduction 的行文框架是一个从较宽泛的学术领域逐渐缩小到你的研究目标的过程。

1.研究背景和重要性 (Background AndImportance)

• Mention of previous work on the subject

• A statement of the importance of the subject


这个大背景勾勒出该领域科研成果从古至今的一个走向或者趋势(what is known),为接下来本论文课题的发展生长提供温床。

这部分内容的展开一定要引用该领域前人、大牛的经典文献或者奠基性著作,体现你对于该学科的一个总体把握是全面且客观的。那如何从这个大背景引入到论文的课题呢?当我们从该学术领域的大趋势逐渐缩小范围时,只需把其中「关联该论文课题的相关信息(keep stick to relevant information only)」拎出来说,这样才能保证最后能自然过渡到文章将要探讨的科研课题。

2.引出该领域科研空白 (What Is Unknown)

• Description of knowledge gap


3.点题一指出本文的研究课题 (Topic Of Research Paper)

• Announce the research topic/question being addressed in research paper

• How it will fill the missing brick in the wall of research already done



(High light The Approach And Principal Findings

• Description of your approach and why you chose it (if needed)

• Brief summary of your major findings

这部分的内容并不是每一个学科领域或者所有期刊都有要求,但如果你的文章依照学科惯例要对这两方面提及的话,则可在Introduction 的中简洁地做出概述。需要注意一定要提出主要的研究手段(是什么以及为什么选择它)和研究发现,不要过分展开更不需谈及细节,精炼地点到为止即可。

5.提出猜想和研究目的 (Hypothesis AndObjectives)


Introduction 句型推荐

1. General introduction:

• For decades,one of the most popular ideas in ...

literature is the idea that...

• Recent theoretical developments have revealed that...

• A common strategy used to study...is .. The field has gradually broadened as ...

• One of the major topics to be investigated in ...is...

• ... is widely considered at the time of..

• ...phenomenon has been widely observed through...

2. Problem definition :

• There is a further problem with ...

• One primary problem with... is that ...

• The foremost problems are the facts that...

• A challenging problem which arises in this domain is...

• A well-known problem with...is that it does not take into account the ...

• This appears as a more straightforward problem compared to the...turns out to be even more challenging because...

3. Gaps in literature :

• There has been less previous evidence for... Other studies have failed to ...

• To our knowledge,few studies have yielded...Limited open literature to date has reported....Only a few studies have shown that...

• However...has rarely been examined directly

• Moreover,few studies have focused on ...

4. Problems solution:

• There are many alternative methods are available for solving...

• A solution to this problem is proposed in ...

• One approach to solve this problem involves the use of...can be applied to overcome...

• A number of works have shown that this problem can be solved by using..

• A large number of alternative approaches have been developed to...

• Potential techniques to solve contemporary problems in... are...

• The standard solution to the problem is based on...Broadly speaking,the problem can be addressed by...

• Recently,a more general solution has been developed for...

5. Study motivation :

• It is of interest to know whether...still...

• It would be of special interest to...

• We therefore analyzed...and investigated whether...

For this study,it was of importance to investigate..

• We investigated whether... can be partly explained by...

• To examine the impact of... we ...

• One common approach to testify... is to...

6. Aims & objectives:

• The aim is to develop more sophisticated methods for...

• For our first goal we focus on two problems...

• The aim here is to investigate...

• The aim of the experiment is to compare...

• The overall goal of this research was to pursue...

• The objectives can be restated in the light of..

• The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of..

7. Significance and advantages of your work

• This thesis documents several key contributions of..

• The first main contribution proposed in this fieldis ..

• The key contribution of this work is the solution it provides...

• It has significant benefits in terms of ...

• These point out the advantages and practicability of ...

